The Invisible Made Visible

The Invisible

Made Visible

Seeing is Believing...

Or is it, believing is seeing?

"What knowledge and reason cannot do for us, true wisdom admonishes us to allow faith to accomplish..."  Seeing is believing

God is not just a belief...

God intends to be an actual, and most intimate, experience. And He unfailingly manifests himself to every one of his creatures... True religion

The FACT of God...

Verses the PRESENCE of God as developed here... The FACT of God

And further..."The divine presence cannot, however, be discovered anywhere in nature or even in the lives of God-knowing mortals so fully and so certainly as in your attempted communion" described here:  Communion with God

Can't See Him?...

Look no further! His very presence can be found within your own mind? And so, the proof of God... is literally on YOU!  He is in the higher reaches of your mind.

So Where Is He Actually?...

While the Father can legitimately be thought of as everywhere, He maintains a personal presence on Paradise - where He can be seen. So where is He?

Moreover, "The Universal Father is not invisible because he is hiding himself away from the lowly creatures of materialistic handicaps..." The invisible made visible

Everyone can find Him!

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