Video Introductions
To The Urantia Book

Video Introductions to

The Urantia Book

A Whiteboard Introduction...

This 60-second introduction to The Urantia Book briefly describes a few of the basic concepts and the in-depth answers provided in The Urantia Book...  A Whiteboard Introduction to THE URANTIA BOOK  

The Invisible Made Visible...

Inspired by the Urantia Book, produced, narrated, and composed by two-time Emmy winner Gary Deinstadt -- this video advances the idea that truth can be discovered and actually seen --  through the 'things' it creates.

And this is just as you reveal God -- as you become more like Him and as you might see glimpses of God -- in the actions of others!   The Invisible Made Visible webpage  

Knowing God Through the God-knowing...

An interfaith perspective inspired by the Urantia Book. Produced, composed  and narrated by two-time Emmy winner Gary Deinstadt.

Video: Storyblocks. A brief vocal excerpt added at the beginning to music composed, is from a piece titled: Zaspalo e Chelebiiche, performed by the Cosmic Voices of Bulgaria.

The Urantia Book... an Invitation

The Urantia Book, it's not a religion... but religious. It's not a philosophy... but philosophical. It's not inspired... but inspiring. It's not a holy book of practices. It wasn't created to save you from anything... And, it doesn't require a belief.

It's simply an invitation...

Divine Love...

Love is the mystery of Divine revelation! Love is the effulgent manifestation! Love is spiritual fulfillment! Love is the light of the Kingdom!...

Divine Love Landing Page

The Gift of Mastery...

The Urantia Book, it's not a religion... but religious. It's not a philosophy... but philosophical. It's not inspired... but inspiring. It's not a holy book of practices. It wasn't created to save you from anything... And, it doesn't require a belief.

It's simply an invitation... The Gift of Mastery

US & Them...

Viewing others not so much by who and what they are, but by who and what they can potentially become...   Us and Them Landing Page

Little Light of Mine...

People everywhere, from every walk of life,  are finding ways to express the God within, the God they are beginning to know, and they are illuminating the world with their discovery.
Are you one of the fortunate yet?... Us and Them Landing Page

A Christmas Story...

From The Urantia Book, containg the whole life story of Jesus and His teachings...   A Christmas Story -- Landing Page

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