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The Urantia Book Fellowship

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The Fellowship's mission is to facilitate the worldwide spread of The Urantia Book and its teachings, to stimulate study and connect truth seekers who wish to more fully develop their spiritual lives.
URANTIA Foundation

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Urantia Foundation was established in 1950 to be the custodian of the inviolate text of The Urantia Book and to ensure that the book's teachings are spread, with the help of readers and fraternal organizations, to all people.
Urantia Association International

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A group of Urantia Book readers dedicated to the study of The UB, connection of readers to grow the community and publisher of news and events within of interest to readers.


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Their mission is to encourage and assist individuals in developing a personal faith relationship with the Heavenly Father by sharing the teachings of Jesus in The Urantia Book with them and nurturing them as believers.
The Urantia Book Translation Portal

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Access to 23 translations of The Urantia Book from the Urantia Society of Greater New York.
Urantia Book Multilingual Search Engines

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Read, download, purchase and search The Urantia Book here.
Square Circles Publishing

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Sources and resources for The Urantia Book

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Provides The Urantia Book online, study courses, study aids, analyses of content, articles, audio visual resources, research, books and maps and translations.

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Documents new discoveries and scientific advances that support the planetary history of The Urantia Book.
The Urantia Book Historical Society

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Promotes and fosters an awareness and appreciation of the Urantia Book through its heritage, origins, background, development, and general history.
The International Urantia Library

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Urantia Study Group Portal

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A directory of UB study groups managed by a board comprising an independent person and representatives from Urantia Foundation, The Urantia Book Fellowship, and Urantia Association International.

+/- Introductions to The Urantia Book

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Spiritual Quote of the Day

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Daily quote from The Urantia Book found on
Introduction to The Urantia Book

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Creates a hub of introductory information, while providing links to additional resources for those who wish to investigate further.
Regarding The Urantia Book

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A personal introduction to The Urantia Book
Urantia Book FAQs

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Frequently asked questions from Urantia Foundation.
Wikipedia Encyclopedia Entry

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Urantia Book Reviews

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Urantia Book readers explain how the book has affected their lives.
Annual cycle of readings from The Urantia Book, with special emphasis on Part IV: The Life and Teachings of Jesus

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Day of the year events from Part IV of The Urantia Book

+/- Discussion Groups

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UAI Urantia Book Forum

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Forum for Urantia Book study and community.
UBRON (Urantia Book Readers Online Network)

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Aims to provide a center for promoting awareness of human unity, as based in The Urantia Book.

+/- Facebook Groups

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Christian Urantians

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For Christians who are Urantia Book readers.
Fans of Cosmic Citizen Radio

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Fans of the spiritual and religious discussion show.
Fans of The Urantia Book

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A site for Urantia Book readers to come together and share ideas, questions, comments and the life changing influence the epochal revelation has had upon their lives.
Friends of The Urantia Book Fellowship

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Friends of the social fraternal organization of believers.
Spiritual Spectrum

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A group devoted to respectful spiritual, religious and philosophical discussion.
The Urantia Book

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The Urantia Revelation

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Discussion group for The Urantia Book.

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A group of youth and young adults who share meaningful experiences in life while building a community with each other.
UBRON: Urantia Book Readers Online Network

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An extension of Urantia Book Readers Online Network.

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Discussion group on matters relating to the teachings contained in The Urantia Book.
Urantia Book Teachings

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+/- Full Text or Audio of The Urantia Book Online

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Master Universe Almanac Edition Based On 1955 First Printing Text

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The Almanac is a ready reference of lists, tables, and charts that aim to faithfully reflect the Urantia Book's information.
Multiple Formats Text Download Plus Audio Download

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The Urantia Board community

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Offers the full text of The Urantia Book with words and terms.
The Urantia Book Fellowship Online Study Edition

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Text and audio editions of The Urantia Book.

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Full online text of The Urantia Book. (Includes Built-in Audio Version)

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Illustrated or plain text version of The Urantia Book.
URANTIA Foundation

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The complete text of The Urantia Book.

+/- International Sites

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The first Indian website dedicated to introducing the universal truths of the Urantia Book

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The author of this website provides a multilingual introduction to The Urantia Book. He has done much writing on The Urantia Book to help his Indian brothers and sisters into the UB. There is also an introduction to the concepts of the UB that the novice reader will appreciate and many other facets of The Urantia Book that the author has explored.
Urantia Readers International

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Their website says they are 'an international non-profit group whose participants have similar interests in reading, sharing and living The Urantia Book and its revelation.' The site has essays, links and a photo album.

+/- Journals and Newsletters

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Innerface International

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Journal of the Brotherhood of Man Library, an Information resource for students of The Urantia Book.'
Spiritual Fellowship Journal

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A Urantia Book Fellowship archive of articles on The Urantia Book by readers.
The Fellowship Herald

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Magazine by Fellowhship members on topics related to The Urantia Book.
The Urantian Journal

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Fellowship members contributed articles to this journal.
Urantia Brotherhood Bulletin, Mighty Messenger and More

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Back issues of The Urantia Book Fellowship publications.

+/- Loving Service

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Evolving Our Souls With Celestial Wisdom

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Here you can learn more about Evolving Souls: The Cosmic Spirituality of The Urantia Revelation, authored by Byron Belitsos. This is also the place to enjoy the many video presentations Byron has done for the Evolving Souls Community Channel.
Global Community Communications Alliance

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A divine administration, temple community, and organic gardens & sustainable ecovillage.'
The Global Endeavor

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The website consists of documents detailing a service plan that serves as 'an additional path that may be attractive to readers of The Urantia Book who appreciate the opportunity to act on the teachings to benefit their fellow man. In practice, this approach will enable readers to apply their energy and idealism in ways that will foster the progressive growth and development of human society, while seeking to serve others in the spirit of the master seraphim.'
The United Urantia Family Festival

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A fervent devotee of Jesus, in 1992 Diane Labrecque was guided to help give birth to the Urantia Family with the readers of the Urantia Book of all organizations on our blue planet. Throughout the years, Diane met many readers of the Blue Book from various countries who helped create a web of interconnectedness, which gradually contributed to laying a solid foundation of unity amongst readers of the Fifth Epochal Urantia Revelation. In 2009, this all came to fruition and gave birth to the triennial gathering of The United Urantia Family Festival (TUUFF), which was inaugurated in Montreal, Canada from July 1-5, 2010.'

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An event oriented group for teens aged 14-19 (older alumni are always welcome too as leaders or facilitators) who spend quality time together, getting to know one another via wonderful adventures set in some of the most beautiful places on earth.'
Urantia Nations Outreach

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Library placement of Urantia Books around the world, along with letters, photos and videos. Sponsored by Urantia Book Los Angeles Society.
Urantia Now

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Events, outreach and opinion geared toward 'younger generations' of Urantia Book Readers.

+/- Skeptics and Critics

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Dan S. (

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The author of this webpage, a Christian fundamentalist, points out discrepancies and/or contradictions between the bible and The Urantia Book, attempting to defend the former with not much more than factless denegration and emotionally-charged rhetoric.
Let Us Reason Ministries

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The author of this website points out discrepancies and/or contradictions between the bible and The Urantia Book, attempting to defend the former with emotionally-charged rhetoric.
Skeptic's Dictionary Entry

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The Skeptic’s Dictionary, authored by Robert T. Carroll, Ph.D., purports to 'provides definitions, arguments, and essays on subjects supernatural, occult, paranormal, and pseudoscientific. I use the term “occult” to refer to any and all of these subjects. The reader is forewarned that The Skeptic’s Dictionary does not try to present a balanced account of occult subjects.'
The Watchman Fellowship Profile of the UB

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This is a pdf document rather than a website, as such, where an unauthor document attempts to point out discrepancies and/or contradictions between the bible and The Urantia Book, as a way of promoting the purchase of several publications.

+/- Societies, Associations, and Book Clubs

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Finland URANTIA Association

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First Society

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According to its website, First Society was chartered in Chicago in 1956 as the first established formal chapter of the Urantia Brotherhood (now Fellowship). Their website provides information on how to join study groups, get involved in area-wide special events and furnishes a detailed schedule of meetings.
Greater Lake Michigan Urantia Association (GLMUA)

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Here you can read, study, download, search and listen to the Urantia Book, as well as connect with the Society to attend local events and find study groups. There is even a link where you can play Urantia Book crosswords!
Los Angeles Society

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Provides information on meetings and study groups in the Southern California area. The origin of the UBLA goes back to the days of Urantia Brotherhood, when it was first chartered.
Oklahoma Society for Readers of The Urantia Book

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The doings of the Society and local study groups. Blogs chart the progress of these endeavors.
Urantia Alaska

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Based in Anchorage, The Northern Light Society of Alaska was formed in 1985 as part of The Urantia Book Fellowship to become interactive with the larger international Urantia Book readership and organization. The Society sponsors community outreach and other events and services.
Urantia Association International (UAI)

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A group of Urantia Book readers dedicated to the study of The UB, connection of readers to grow the community and publisher of news and events within of interest to readers.
Urantia Association of the United States

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The UAUS is the umbrella organization for local Urantia Associations in the United States. On the site you will information about upcoming conferences, a newsletter, photos, resources to deepen the reader's understanding of The Urantia Book, how to find and join local associations and study groups (by State) as well as mention of readers who have 'graduated' from this life to the next.
Urantia Book Society of Greater New York (UBSGNY)

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There are a number of tools provided here to facilitate deeper discovery of The Urantia Book, including various search engines and glossaries and a portal to, at last count, 23 translations, from Arabic to Estonian. There is also a section where you can download The Urantia Book, as well as UB content created by Society members that that gives a concise explanation of the book.

+/- Sources for Books and Study Aids

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[Int'l] Urantia Book Study Group Directory

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Established through a collaborative effort among Urantia Foundation, Urantia Book Fellowship and Urantia Association International, this site facilitates searches for UB study groups anywhere.
Square Circles Publishing

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Founded in 1998 as a vehicle for publishing the first edition of How I Found The Urantia Book, the company now offers a variety of secondary works and historical accounts concerning the origins of the Urantia Book as well as some of its associated social organizations.
The Urantia Board Community U.S., Canada, and Worldwide Directory

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Admin by michaeld, site features a UB on line, listing of study groups and a forum for registered participants hosted by
The Urantia Book Fellowship's North American Urantia Book Study Groups

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This page on the UB Fellowship website links the searcher to the above Urantia Book Study Group Directory.
Urantia - India

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Created by Rajan C Mathew, this purports to be the first Urantia Indian website. It contains an intruduction to the UB in English as well as in a number of Indian languages. It also links to the Urantia Book text on the Truthbooks site.
Urantia Book Store

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A Urantia Book Fellowship web-page featuring Urantia Books, secondary works, study aids, jewelry and other Urantia Book related items available for sale.
URANTIA Foundation

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Official website of Urantia Foundation, original publisher of the Urantia Book

+/- The Urantia Book on Radio

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Speeches and Radio Broadcasts of Vern Bennom Grimsley

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Numerous radio broadcasts and speeches by Vern Grimsley, many related to UB teachings and some on spirituality in general, available through
Symmetry of Soul

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A weekly 2 hour blog radio broadcast hosted by experienced UB readers, presented in study group format, focusing on various concepts from The Urantia Book. Previous broadcasts available in demand.
The Cosmic Citizen UB Online Radio Show

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Blog on line radio available live Saturday mornings, hosted by experienced UB readers, featuring a variety of topics related to the UB. Previous episodes are available for downloads on demand.

+/- Translations of The Urantia Book

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Hungarian translation of The Urantia Book

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Romanian translation of The Urantia Book
Das Urantia Buch (German)

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German translation of The Urantia Book
El Libro de Urantia (Spanish)

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Spanish translation of The Urantia Book
Het Urantia Boek (Dutch)

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Dutch translation of The Urantia Book
Il Libro Di Urantia (Italian)

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Italian translation of The Urantia Book
Kniga Urantije (Croatian)

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Croatian translation of The Urantia Book
Ksiega Urantii (Polish)

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Polish translation of The Urantia Book
Le Livre d'Urantia (French)

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French translation of The Urantia Book
O Livro do Urantia (Portuguese)

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Portuguese translation of The Urantia Book
The Multilingual Urantia Book

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The full text of The Urantia Book with translation options.
The Urantia Book Translation Portal

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Access to translations of The Urantia Book in many languages.

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Danish translation of The Urantia Book

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Estonian translation of The Urantia Book

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Swedish translation of The Urantia Book
Urantia-kirja (Finnish)

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Finnish translation of The Urantia Book
Urantia'nin Kitabi (Turkish)

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Turkish translation of The Urantia Book
Urantijos Knyga (Lithuanian)

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Lithuanian translation of The Urantia Book

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Greek translation of The Urantia Book

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Russian translation of The Urantia Book

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Bulgarian translation of The Urantia Book
کتاب یورنشیا Farsi (Persian)

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Farsi (Persian) translation of The Urantia Book
مقدمة الكتاب (Arabic)

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Arabic translation of The Urantia Book
유랜시아 책 (Korean)

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Korean translation of The Urantia Book

+/- UB Reader (English) Websites

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Andrea French

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Testimonial/FAQ page
Chris Yandall

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Website with an FAQ focus of frequently asked Urantia Book questions
Halbert Katzen

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An intelligent, Urantia Book perspective on a variety of interesting topics.
Mark Gibbons

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Humorously written testimonial about The Urantia Book
Matthew Block

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Duplicate of squarecircles listing
Monica and Paul Kemp

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A ACTIVE blog on a variety of Urantia Book related topics with some links to many apparently Urantia Book related websites. Most entries seem somewhat dated with most of them showing last updated timeframes in 2013.
Saskia Raevouri

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A comprehensive, highly recommended site covering a vast array of Urantia Book information, perhaps most notable, Mathew Block's research into Urantia Book source authors.
Sharon Drake (UrantiaGarden)

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A presentation of the English version of The Urantia Book
Steve McIntosh

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Authored by a long-time student of The Urantia Book, the author describes, and has writted about in practical terms, his understanding of The Urantia Book and its application in spiritual experience.
Thorpe Saxton

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Basically a testimonial, this site mostly offers the author's perspective on his journey to discover truth and how he has found it in The Urantia Book.

+/- UB Readers (non-English) Websites

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Jean Ascher (Danish)

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Danish translation on
Paul and Malgorzata Jaworski (Polish)

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A Polish website established by the translator of The Urantia Book into the Polish language. This site contains the translated text, numerous links to other international Urantia-focused websites most of which are contained in the 300 Best Urantia Book websites @

+/- UB Videos and Slide Shows

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A Feast of Uncertainty

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Filmmaker Richard Jernigan explores The Urantia Book’s version of the life and teachings of Jesus against the backdrop of modern day Israel and the Palestinian territories.
Urantia Life Lessons

Urantia Life Lessons will walk you through the core concepts of The Urantia Book with an emphasis on the role that those concepts play in our lives. I was raised with the teachings of The Urantia Book, so my first impression of the book was very different than it would have been if I had simply been handed the book as an adult. The Urantia Book enlightens us about so many different subjects ranging from familiar topics to those that the mainstream does not normally talk about in a religious context, but all of the nitty gritty details were not the primary way in which I was introduced to the book. Kids who are raised with The Urantia Book may be aware of the details, but primarily we become ingrained with the core concepts, like humanity's unity in the family of God and our slow but steady progression toward perfection. I want to make these concepts available to people in a way that is readily applicable to daily life.

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Website offers information about the UB and links to UB related organizations. Audio readings of Part IV. Also offers lessons on self-improvement through spiritual living and some secondary works for sale through Amazon.
Inspiring Movies and Videos Based on the UB

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A large collection of videos on the Truthbook website related to the Urantia Book, including many reader testimonials about how the book changed their lives.
James Woodward Video

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A personal perspective on the UB by a reader who has read it for more than 30 years.
Mo Siegel Interviews Meredith Sprunger

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An interview of Meredith Sprunger, psychology professor and UCC minister who came across the UB in 1955 and had made efforts to introduce it to Christian ministers far and wide.
Paula Thompson, Part One of Three Videos

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A personal account by Paula Thompson about what had led her to develop a relationship with Jesus and what led her to the UB.
Perfecting Horizons: Adventures in Cosmic Thinking

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Chris Halvorson's website offering seminars, lessons and presentations on various UB topics

+/- UB-based Studies

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84 Citations of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness in the UB

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Posted by Rick Warren on the UAI website's Forum page, are 84 paragraphs in The Urantia Book that tie together these three words. In addition to the original English text, translations of these paragraphs area available in 15 languages.
A Study of the Master Universe

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Written by Bill Sadler (William S. Sadler, Jr.) this book embodies a detailed exposition of of UB concepts concerning God, the origin, nature and destiny of the Universe and humankind. His untimely death in 1963, prevented the author from seeing the fruits of his labor in print.
Atlanta Urantia Book Study Group

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Website designed by Dr. Roger W. Paul with the purpose of introducing people to the UB and providing links to the UB text, to an extensive list of resource and study material as well as to website of UB related organizations.
Bill Sadler's Master Universe Series

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A page on the UB Fellowship's website featuring Bill Sadler's Study of the Master Universe

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A page on the UB Fellowship's website containing a listing of and links to many articles and presentations concerning the cosmology of the UB.
Evolution of the Supreme

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9 graphic charts by Stuart Kerr related to the evolution of the Supreme Being
God, Man, and Supreme

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A book size study of The Supreme including many illustrations and diagrams, authored by Stuart Kerr, available on the UB Fellowship's website
Local Universe Organization Chart

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Colorful organizational chart of our local universe with pop-up art. Link available to for available purchases of poster size renditions of these charts.
Master Universe Almanac

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The Almanac is a ready reference of lists, tables, and charts which faithfully reflect the Urantia Book's information. Each dataset in the Almanac is referenced to its origin in the text.
Multilingual Search Engines

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Search engine available for the original English version as well as for multiple translations of the UB administered by Urantia Society of Greater NY
Paradise Organization Chart

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Colorful organizational chart of Paradise with pop-up art. Link available to for available purchases of poster size renditions of these charts.
Perfecting Horizons Institute

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Presentations, seminars and on-line UB study groups conducted by Chris M. Halvorson, PhD.
Science and The Urantia Book

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A listing on a UB Fellowship web page of and links to articles and presentations by readers of the UB about science and the Urantia Book.
Square Circles Publishing

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The site features information about the UB, books and articles related to the origin of the book as well as to the history of 'the Urantia movement' and related organizations. Also included are many study aids and a great deal of information about what are claimed to be human sources incorporated into the UB.
Study Help

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A website containing analysis and speculation concerning language origin and usage in the UB as well as specculation about the etymology of a number of words that are unique to the UB.
Superuniverse Organization Chart

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Colorful organizational chart of our superuniverse with pop-up art. Link available to for available purchases of poster size renditions of these charts.
Synopsis of The Urantia Book

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A synopsis of each of the 196 papers of the UB followed by discussion questions, authored by Meredith Sprunger, available on the UB Fellowship's website.
The Story of Everything

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This book, authored by Michelle Klimesh, is an abridged version of part 1 of the UB
The Trinity Concept

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Founded by Harry Fieldson, this site contains an extensive graphic analysis of the trinity concept as well as the associated triunities and triodities.
The UB Workbooks by William S. Sadler, M.D.

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A 'study' page on Urantia Foundation website including numerous links to papers and presentation by many student/teachers including Dr. Sadler and Bill Sadler.
The Urantia Book Historical Society

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Website of an independent not for profit corp. the purpose of which is to archive and preserve documents concerning the history of the 'Urantia movement' and its associated personalities and organizations. Digital images of many of the documents are available on the website.'s UB Search Engine

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UB search engine available on Truthbook website
Universe Tour

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A graphic tour through the Universe beginning from Urantia through all levels of our Local Universe, our Superuniverse, Havona, Paradise and on to the oter space levels.
Urantia Book Astronomy

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Founded by John Causland, the site contains a number of video presentations (given at various UB related conferences) on UB cosmology related to his understanding of modern astronomy.
Urantia Book Internet School

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UBIS is an online school functioning under the sponsorship of Urantia Foundation. Courses are conducted by teachers/facilitators who are deemed knowledgeable about the UB and well versed in their proposed course offering. The academic year consists of three trimesters, 10 weeks each in length.
Urantia Research

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Founded by three UB readers, this site offers an introduction the the UB and insights the founders' derived from the UB related to science philosophy and spirituality. Available are also books (and ebooks) for sale and a link to Vern Grimsley audio recordings.
Urantia University

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Part of a long-range plan to develop a university grounded in cosmic wisdom, ideals and aspiration, Urantia University Institute (UUI) was set up to provide diverse learning paths for students in an online educational environment in which to explore, discern, and actualize the truths and knowledge found in The Urantia Book.

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A multi-lingual website designed to introduce people to the UB, containing extensive quotes from the UB on the origin and destiny of the humankind, angels, the birth and early life of Jesus, and the structure of the Universe. Includes many graphic illustrations.

+/- UB-Bible Bridges

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How Christian is The Urantia Book?

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A page on the UB Fellowship website containing an article by that name by Dick Bain
Pure Christians Website With UB Perspective

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Founded by 'Brother Dave' this website is designed to preach or teach the true message of Jesus as found in the UB. It appears to be targeted primarily at Christians.
The Meredith J. Sprunger Archive for Christian Clergy

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Page on UB Felllowship website containing a listing of and links to a number of articles by Meredith Sprunger.
The Paramony by Duane Faw

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A page on the UB Fellowship website containing a listing of and links to a number of resources for cross referencing the UB and the bible, including Duane Faw's Paramony
The UB and Christian Fundamentalism

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Page on UB Felllowship website containing an article by Meredith Sprunger by that name.

+/- UB-inspired Art

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Angelic Art by Rees Marlatt

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Religious or spiritually artwork that could easily be influenced by The Urantia Book as well.
Cosmic Landscapes by Terry Kruger

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Artwork inspired by The Urantia Book and other subjects.
Digital Illustrations Of UB Concepts by Troy Bishop

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Bishop has described his art as a transcendental passage between the known reality and the master-plan conceived by an all-powerful supreme being.
Fantastic Realism of Robert Venosa

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The Urantia Book is not mentioned in Venosa's biography, but it is easy to see the spiritual influences in his art.
FusionArt by Rassouli

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Rassouli is an Iranian artist who practices 'Fusionart, which invite the viewer into the union between Eastern philosophy and Western technology.' Also described as 'Art galleries of spiritual surrealism and modern mystical exhibition.'
Holly Carmichael

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Many paintings directly inspired by The Urantia Book. This is what the artist has to say about her art:'Do you love beauty in art? Meaningful compositions? Colorful displays and designs that invite you in? Artwork that sparks the imagination, eases the mind, entertains the eyes and feeds the soul? Energetic paintings? Expressionful and impressionable pieces? Rhythmic and musical wall art? Then come see what's in my galleries.'
The Sacred and Visionary Art of Jeff Haworth

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Sacred and visionary art...images inspired from The Urantia Book.
UB Comix by Don Tyler

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A humorous take on The Urantia Book told in illustrated form. 'In-jokes & insights, insider humor for students of The Urantia Book and those familiar with its associated social repercussions.'
Urantia Art

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Artworks in a variety of different media displayed by a number of Urantia Book-inspired artists, all of which are for sale.
Vision Afar by Gary Tonge

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Artwork inspired by The Urantia Book.

+/- UB-inspired Music

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Pato Banton

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Connect with this Urantia Book-inspired Reggae musician who entertains with a positive message.
Urantia Music by Denver Pearson

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Watch celestial imagery while you take in Pearson's Urantia Book-inspired music.
Words of Christ I through IV by Pato Banton

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These are four albums by Pato Banton whose lyrics are the words of Jesus as they appear in The Urantia Book. Pato has written background music to accompany the words which he speaks in his own inimitable style.

+/- UB-inspired Non-fiction

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21 Steps to a Spiritual Awakening by Harry McMullan

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The author's reflections on spiritual awakening inspired by the UB, available on the UB Fellowship's website.
Adam And Eve: A Tragic Love Story by Louis J. Bartolomeo

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Link leads to ad for this book on Amazon. It appears to be based on the UB but there doesn't seem to be such attribution.
Bright World of Choice by Troy Bishop

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author Troy R. Bishop's contemplative account of an outer and inner journey he took to discover the nature of true choice and true fulfillment.
Chronicle of the Life and Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth

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Website founded by Larry Mullins to promote an illustrated book by the same name, written by him and Joan Batson Mullins. Listing of additional books by L. Mullins is included on the site.
Starwind by Troy Bishop

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Book by Troy Bishop, available on Amazon, pondering the nature of total reality in light of insights gained from the UB.
The Call of the Spirit by Merritt Horn

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Contemplative work, inspired by the UB, by Merritt Horn, available through Seraphic Publishing
The Kingdom Of Heaven Is At Hand by Ed Roache

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According to the author, This book presents a new and unified interpretation of the Old Testament Prophets, the Dead Sea Scrolls, 1Enoch, and the Urantia Book.
The Multilevelate Universe by Troy Bishop

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Book by Troy Bishop, available on Amazon, pondering the nature of total reality in light of insights gained from the UB as well as from the Tao Te Ching.
The Urantia Book Simplified by A. Cercatore (Ed Joyce)

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As the title suggests, this is an attempt by the author to make the UB more accessible to people who may find the task of reading the original overly daunting.

+/- UB-inspired Novels

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Gabriel Versus Lucifer Author Anonymous

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One of the course offerings on the Ascension University website which deals with various topics relate to the UB.
The Seven Circles by Richard S. Omura

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Founded by Richard Omura, an experienced UB reader, the website features information about his several books, his photography, music and philosophical musings.

+/- UB-inspired Poetry

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Elan Vital: A Story of God and Man by Suzanne Marie Kelly

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Read the full poem and order a hard copy at this website.

+/- Urantia Book Blogs

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Broadcast Urantia

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Broadcast Urantia is largerly a collection of 385 hours of interviews with Michael of Maui, a person who has a 'connection with celestial beings near Saturn. Broadcast Urantia was inspired by and the result of my discovery of Saturn Earth Connection which lead me to the Urantia Book. After following along with Michael [from Maui] and studying the Urantia Book I wanted to share this with others.'
Rajan C. Mathew

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View Points and Commentaries from an Open Minded Indian Chemical Engineer - A Silent Observer of Human Achievements, Trials and Tribulations. The blog articles deal with several topics of human interest covering engineering, management, politics and above all the principles of good living based on the author's study of the Urantia Book!
Spiritual Family Community

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One World Family - One World Aspiration. Friendship with God & Fellowship with all Mankind
Thoughts and Inspiration Around The Urantia Book

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My daily/Weekly/monthly inspirations, iterations, salutations, inspirations, and ruminations on all that is, was, and may be in our world and the next.'
Urantian Sojourn

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A site dedicated to spreading the teachings of The Urantia Book that is also strongly political.

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UrantiaVoice brings the ideas and ideals of The Urantia Book into the larger conversation of social issues, politics, culture, and (of course) religion and spirituality. We are friendly with, but not sponsored by, any of the Urantia Book organizations.
Virtual Urantia

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A way of placing parts of the Urantia Book into a program form that displays and manipulates concepts from the Urantia Book in 3D.'
Wandering Urantian

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Musings of a Urantia Book reader from Maine.

+/- Miscellaneous Urantia Book Websites

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Annual cycle of readings from The Urantia Book, with special emphasis on Part IV: The Life and Teachings of Jesus

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Day of the year events from The Urantia Book

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This website has a little of everything, astrology; UFOs, complete with motherships; the Teaching Mission; astral projection; and liberally lifts and often transforms passages from The Urantia Book.
It describes itself, as follows:
'The Revelatorium of Alpha and Omega is a text book about Reality. It is the first book of its kind ever to be revealed before Mankind.
Why now, your time has come. The 'Great Book' is being opened at last. For the next two thousand years through the Age of Aquarius, the full nature of Alpha and Omega and the Great Truths of the Cosmos comprising the true scope of Reality will be lowering into your outer consciousness as that known as illuminations. At the end of Aquarius you will be ready to return to the fifth dimension where you belong.'

+/- Teaching Mission Websites

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11:11 Progress Group

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A so-called channeled (facebook) website, it describes itsels as follows: 'Our function is to channel, transcribe, translate and publish the 11:11 Progress Group’s Celestial Messages. On their part, the Midwayers prompt millions of people all over the globe, and sooner or later they find one of our sites. As our immediate Boss, Machiventa Melchizedek puts it: “Place the people that seek you out at the starting gates to spirituality to then let them run their own race.” Not one of us – celestial or human – cares two hoots about what religion you are. We are about spirituality. And whatever religion you are, we want to teach you how to get in touch with your Celestial Friends, so you may become a receiver of messages or a healer.'

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A website that attempts to blend numerology and The Urantia Book, it describes itself as: 'How often have you noticed the numbers 11:11, 12:12, 10:10, 22:22, 12:34, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 or 5:55 popping up all over the place? These number sequences are not necessarily only time prompts. They can also be number sequences, like 333, 1111 etc. To your mind, is this a coincidence, or are they too frequent to be random? Perhaps you are puzzled or amused by this phenomenon? Possibly even a little bit nervous? The question everyone is asking is 'What does 11:11 mean?' and 'Is there a reason for this?' And there certainly is....'
Caligastia Home Page

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A site presumably for devil worshipers that attempts to re-interpret The Urantia Book in what can only be described as a series of increasingly bizarre tales. Its introduction begins with: 'I have, for many years, earned my living as a private investigator, a seeker of truth. The primary personalities in this book are identifiable as angels and I have been in direct contact with many of them for an extended period of time. So much so, that those I’ve dealt with have established credibility and believability to my satisfaction. It falls to the reader to make these determinations for themselves. I was invited to partake in a journey. So too, I’ve invited you to join me for a distance.' And it gets evermore strange.
Daynal Institute

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A 'Teaching Mission' website that describes itself as follows: 'The Daynal Institute is a network of persons from many walks of life, that, in the course of exploring the heart of cosmic reality through communion with its Source, have discovered Trinity Teacher Sons as the architects of spiritual education administered throughout the Master Universe. While the forms of instruction vary widely depending upon local circumstances, these are enjoined by beings of every order of intelligence focusing their attention on the lessons of living experience, the master of all teachers in the art of living'.

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A website self-described as a 'channeled work' that frequently references/paraphrases The Urantia Book, this website states: 'The Urantia Book is the earliest of the several bodies of material by the modern 'channelers' we will be discussing on the site. The Urantia Papers follow the standard text that is delivered eventually to each evolving species in the universe.
'It's delivery is usually timed to arrive several generations ahead of a planetary crisis, and it's purpose is to help facilitate a complete renewal of the evolving species' individuals, culture and planet. The intention of the material was to convey a larger perspective of Deity and Creation than was previously available, and to illustrate the process used by evolutionary will beings to become creators of their own universes.
'The standard text is modified for each planet to meet the the specific needs of its evolving will beings. In this case information about the life of Jesus is included to ground the rest of the material in the dominant spiritual paradigm at the time of transmission. Many spirit teachers and administrative helpers have taken responsibility as the sources of the material, but of course the Light is mine.

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A blog/bulletin board with many Urantia Book related topics, teacing mission perspectives, and listings of many Urantia Book related websites
Teaching Mission Archives

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A 'Teaching Mission' website that describes itself as follows:
'The site you are about to use is a transcription archive of the teaching mission lessons given to many student groups over the years. By way of explanation, the teachers are celestial (spiritual personalities) and the students are human. The term “celestial” refers to personalities that have gone beyond their years in the flesh, or are higher spiritual personalities, who have been trained to teach from the spiritual realm to benefit mankind.'
Teaching Mission Network

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An extensive list of members, their profiles, and numerous teaching mission related works, documents, dialogs, and other resources.