The Gift of Mastery

The Gift of Mastery

The Gift of Mastery

His Divine Love
Smiling Man
Our Gift to God
The Choice is Yours
Light All Around the World
Love Like Him
His Divine Love Smiling Man Our Gift to God The Choice is Yours Light All Around the World Love Like Him

Recognizing Our Selves...

Perhaps our self-consciousness, our absolute and personal uniqueness, 'personality' as defined in The Urantia Book, is our greatest gift... Recognizing Ourselves

And this gift enables all that follow!

The Gift of Free Will...

"The Creator refuses to coerce or compel the submission of the spiritual free wills of his material creatures...."  The Gift of Free Will

The Gift of True Love...

"Love is from God and we receive this divine affection [only] as we bestow this love upon others."  The Gift of Real Love

And sharing "Love is the greatest thing in the world"...  The Gift of Real Love

The Gift of Experience...

A life replete with unlimited experiences, across the unending panorama of eternity... awaits all who boldly accept... The Gift of Experience

The Gift of Life...

Body, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Personality, Free Will, and bountiful the experiences of Life Itself... These are the gifts of universal reality that are manifest in human experience....  The Gift of Life

Our Gift to God

Our Gift to God

"The affectionate dedication of the human will to the doing of the Father’s will is man’s choicest gift to God; in fact, such a consecration of creature will constitutes man’s only possible gift of true value to the Paradise Father." From The Urantia Book [1:1.2]

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