But what's this all about? Life just doesn't make sense! There must be a better explanation...
What am I doing here?...
Find good, truthful, and comprehensive answers to life's biggest questions. Understand why your life really matters...
The Good News...
Not only is eternal life possible, it will be thrilling, challenging, deeply satisfying, even majestic, and love-saturated. And, it will be filled with boundless opportunities...
Appropriate Questions Arise...
As to what life is truly about; what the purpose of life really is, why you are alive, and your goal and role in all of this. These are all truly worthy thoughts for you to ponder.
Life is a Journey...
A journey towards a greater understanding; a search for greater consciousness, and a quest for a greater awareness of the universe in which you live. It leads you deeper and deeper within yourself to gain enhanced insights.
"Prayer may enrich the life, but worship illuminates destiny."