Category: 1. publicEntries

Urantia Society at Awaken Fair

The Urantia Book tells us in Paper 145 that physical healing was considered incidental to Jesus’ revelatory mission: “The healing wonders which every now and then attended Jesus’ mission on earth were not a part of his plan of proclaiming the kingdom.” 145:3.15 (1633.6) In fact, it tended to create the wrong kind of publicity. Nonetheless, his apostles found that the gospel had salutary effects. They discovered that “the good news…

Winter 2024 Fairs

Please join USGNY at these upcoming fairs. We will be sharing the good news of the revelatory teachings of the Urantia Book at tables at these respective events. The Awaken Wellness Fair “Body Mind Spirit Green Expo” Sunday, November 24th, 2024, 10am-5pm at the Westchester Marriott, 670 White Plains Rd., Tarrytown, NY 10591 To get to the venue via public transportation: take Metro-North to Tarrytown (Hudson Line) or White Plains (Harlem…

November 2024 Meeting

“Illuminating Spiritual Innovation” The Urantia Society of Greater New York (USGNY) warmly invites you to attend their hybrid meeting on Saturday, November 16. Here’s the program: 11:30 – 12:30 EST. Local USGNY members and friends will share lunch at the home of Lila Dogim, 200 Winston Dr., Apt. 1610 in Cliffside Park, NJ 12:30 – Link will open to include friends unable to come in person and anyone else interested in…

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