From:   Stuart Kerr []

Sent:    Sunday, April 23, 2017 10:17 PM

Subject:            Schedule Reminder – USGNY ZOOM Business Meeting 4-29-17


Hello fellow USGNY Members and Friends! I am reminding everyone to please mark

down on your calendars next Saturday’s annual Business Meeting:


Here is the USGNY Meeting Agenda for our annual Business Meeting on Saturday April

29th at 10 AM EST online on Zoom. We need to choose a Program Chair.  Please use the

the following link to enter your nominee for this position. Click on it to open the

spreadsheet and enter your nominee.!AjXD99Jfa098hxLs4cmXvDby_dGq


We will be hosting our Meeting online using Zoom Video Conferencing [Meeting

Agenda attached]. To download for free the Zoom software to call in for the Meeting, go



The Meeting ID is 729-329-1303. It is recommended that you test Zoom sometime prior

to the Meeting if you plan to participate. By completing our annual business agenda this

April 29th, we will be able to make our June 17th Meeting a mix of socializing and UB at best blackjack casinos



In love and teamwork,

Stuart Kerr USGNY Secretary





April 29, 10AM EST – ONLINE

Meeting ID: 729-329-1303

To join by phone only:  (646) 568-7788




President’s Remarks: Richard Daunt

Vice President’s Remarks: Andrea Deinstadt Secretary’s Remarks: Stuart Kerr

Treasurer’s Report: Barry Clark reporting for Doreen Heyne


Program Committee Chair Report: Hal Rainbow Hospitality Committee Chair Report:

Bree Neumann Translation Committee Chair Report: Eileen Laurence Outreach Chair

Report: Nick Curto •    Request for $150 dollars for advertising the Urantia Midtown

NYC Study Group.        




ITEM 1: Review nominations and vote for USGNY Programs Chair.

ITEM 2: Barry Clark – 15-20 minutes to preview the Society’s new website that’s about

to go ‘live’.


ITEM 3: Avi Dogim and Richard Daunt will give a report on the Unity discussion they

participated in.


ITEM 4: Stuart Kerr – Proposal for a possible and modest summer or autumn weekend

“Society get-together” as a 3-day retreat – a chance to truly get to know one another

socially as a Society. Guests should certainly be invited to attend and possibly some

UB-related workshops and presentations could certainly be of possible value.


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