—–Original Message—–

Subject: USGNY Meeting Minutes 9-9-17

Hello everyone!

Attached, please find the USGNY Meeting Minutes for our get-together at the Dogim this past 9-9-17. Thank you Avi and Lila for your warm hospitality!

Also attached find the following additional documents;

• 2017 USGNY Fall Retreat Res Form
• Course in Spiritual Formation – Weekend Retreat Agenda
• USGNY Outreach, Curto 9-9-17
• Urantia Book Conference at Warwick 2017 Food


October 13-15 Urantia NY Fall Weekend Retreat Warwick Conference Center
62 Warwick Center Road, Warwick, NY 10990

Saturday, November 11, 2017
Gary and Andrea Deinstadt’s home

Saturday, January 20, 2018
Joan Wentworth’s and Bree Neumann’s home

Saturday, March 24, 2018
Barry and Kay Clark’s home

Saturday, June 9, 2018
Steve and Bobbie Dreier’s home

Stuart Kerr, USGNY Secretary
September 27, 2017

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