Knjiga Urantije - POGLAVLJE 151


Knjiga Urantije   

DIO IV. Isusov život i učenja


Paper 151
Tarrying and Teaching by the Seaside

    DO 10. Ožujka, sve skupine posvećene propovijedanju i poučavanju su se okupile u Betsaidi. U četvrtak uveče i petak mnogi su otišli u ribu, dok su u subotu prisustvovali službi u sinagogi slušajući raspravu jednog ostarjelog Židova iz Damaska o slavi oca Abrahama. Isus je proveo najveći dio ovog Sabata sam u brdima. Te subote navečer Učitelj je govorio više od sat vremena okupljenim skupinama o "Ulozi nedaće i duhovnoj vrijednosti razočaranja." Bila je to nezaboravna prigoda, a njegovi slušatelji nikada nisu zaboravili tu lekciju.
151:0.1 (1688.1) BY MARCH 10 all of the preaching and teaching groups had forgathered at Bethsaida. Thursday night and Friday many of them went out to fish, while on the Sabbath day they attended the synagogue to hear an aged Jew of Damascus discourse on the glory of father Abraham. Jesus spent most of this Sabbath day alone in the hills. That Saturday night the Master talked for more than an hour to the assembled groups on “The mission of adversity and the spiritual value of disappointment.” This was a memorable occasion, and his hearers never forgot the lesson he imparted.
    Isus se još uvijek nije u potpunosti oporavio od boli zbog nedavnog odbacivanja u Nazaretu; apostoli su bili svjesni svojstvene tuge pomiješane s njegovim uobičajeno vedrim raspoloženjem. Jakov i Ivan su bili s njime najveći dio vremena, dok je Petar bio više nego okupiran mnogim odgovornostima koje su se odnosile na dobrobit i usmjerenje novog korpusa evanđelista. Ovaj su period čekanja prije nego što će krenuti na Pashu u Jeruzalem, žene provele u posjetu od kuće do kuće, podučavajući evanđelje i služeći bolesnima u Kafarnaumu i okolnim gradovima i selima.
151:0.2 (1688.2) Jesus had not fully recovered from the sorrow of his recent rejection at Nazareth; the apostles were aware of a peculiar sadness mingled with his usual cheerful demeanor. James and John were with him much of the time, Peter being more than occupied with the many responsibilities having to do with the welfare and direction of the new corps of evangelists. This time of waiting before starting for the Passover at Jerusalem, the women spent in visiting from house to house, teaching the gospel, and ministering to the sick in Capernaum and the surrounding cities and villages.


1. The Parable of the Sower

    Otprilike u ovo vrijeme Isus se počeo koristiti usporedbama kao metodom poučavanja mnoštva koje je za njim išlo. Budući da je Isus razgovarao s apostolima i drugima dugo u noć, u nedjelju ujutro na doručku je bilo malo naroda; tako je otišao uz more i sam sjeo u lađu, staru ribarsku barku Andrije i Petra koja mu je uvijek bila na raspolaganju, dok je razmišljao o sljedećem potezu u radu na proširenju kraljevstva. Ali Učitelj nije dugo ostao u osami. Uskoro je počeo pristizati narod iz Kafarnauma i obližnjih sela i oko deset sati ovoga jutra na obali se okupilo nekih tisuću ljudi u blizini Isusovog broda, bučno tražeći njegovu pozornost. Petar je već bio ustao i prilazeći brodu, rekao je Isusu: "Učitelju, hoću li razgovarati s njima?" Isus je odgovorio: "Nećeš, Petre, nego ću im ja ispričati priču." A onda je Isus počeo govoriti usporedbu o sijaču, jednu od prvih u dugom nizu takvih usporedbi koje je učio narodu koji ga je slijedio.Ovaj je broj imao povišeno sjedalo na kojem je sjedio (u to je vrijeme bilo uobičajeno sjediti za vrijeme govora), dok se obraćao narodu koji se okupio na obali. Nakon što im je Petar uputio par riječi, Isus je rekao:
151:1.1 (1688.3) About this time Jesus first began to employ the parable method of teaching the multitudes that so frequently gathered about him. Since Jesus had talked with the apostles and others long into the night, on this Sunday morning very few of the group were up for breakfast; so he went out by the seaside and sat alone in the boat, the old fishing boat of Andrew and Peter, which was always kept at his disposal, and meditated on the next move to be made in the work of extending the kingdom. But the Master was not to be alone for long. Very soon the people from Capernaum and near-by villages began to arrive, and by ten o’clock that morning almost one thousand were assembled on shore near Jesus’ boat and were clamoring for attention. Peter was now up and, making his way to the boat, said to Jesus, “Master, shall I talk to them?” But Jesus answered, “No, Peter, I will tell them a story.” And then Jesus began the recital of the parable of the sower, one of the first of a long series of such parables which he taught the throngs that followed after him. This boat had an elevated seat on which he sat (for it was the custom to sit when teaching) while he talked to the crowd assembled along the shore. After Peter had spoken a few words, Jesus said:
    "Iziđe sijač sijati i tako se dogodi da dok je sijao neko zrno pade uz put i bilo ga ljudi pogaziše ili dođoše ptice nebeske pa ga pozobaše. Neko zrno opet pade na kamenito tlo gdje je bila plitka zemlja i odmah izniknu jer nemade dubine u tlu, ali čim iziđe sunce, osuši se jer nemaše korijena kojima će upijati vlagu. Neko opet pade u trnje i tako trnje uzraste, te ga uguši i ono ne donese ploda. Još neko drugo pade na dobru zemlju i rastući donese rod, neko tridesetostruk, neko šezdesetostruk, a neko stostruk.” A kad je završio s ovom prispodobom, reče: “Tko ima uši da čuje, neka čuje.”
151:1.2 (1688.4) “A sower went forth to sow, and it came to pass as he sowed that some seed fell by the wayside to be trodden underfoot and devoured by the birds of heaven. Other seed fell upon the rocky places where there was little earth, and immediately it sprang up because there was no depth to the soil, but as soon as the sun shone, it withered because it had no root whereby to secure moisture. Other seed fell among the thorns, and as the thorns grew up, it was choked so that it yielded no grain. Still other seed fell upon good ground and, growing, yielded, some thirtyfold, some sixtyfold, and some a hundredfold.” And when he had finished speaking this parable, he said to the multitude, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”
    Apostoli i oni koji su bili sa njima, kad su čuli kako Isus uči narod na ovaj način, bili su uveliko zbunjeni; i nakon mnogo govora među sobom, te večeri u Zebedejevu vrtu Matija reče Isusu: "Učitelju, kakvo je značenje mračnih priča kojima si se danas obratio mnoštvu? Zašto govoriš u prispodobama onima koji traže istinu?" A Isus je odgovorio:
151:1.3 (1689.1) The apostles and those who were with them, when they heard Jesus teach the people in this manner, were greatly perplexed; and after much talking among themselves, that evening in the Zebedee garden Matthew said to Jesus: “Master, what is the meaning of the dark sayings which you present to the multitude? Why do you speak in parables to those who seek the truth?” And Jesus answered:
    "U strpljenju sam vas učio sve ovo vrijeme. Zato je vama dato da znate otajstva kraljevstva nebeskoga, ali nerazumnom mnoštvu i onima koji traže naše uništenje, od sada, tajne kraljevstva će biti prikazane u usporedbama. To ćemo učiniti tako da oni koji stvarno žele ući u kraljevstvo mogli razabrati smisao ovih učenja i naći spasenje, dok oni koji slušaju samo da nas mogu uvući u zamku mogu biti još više zbunjeni gledajući dok ne vide i slušajući dok ne čuju. Djeco moja, zar ne vidite zakon duha koji određuje da će se onome tko ima dati da ima u izobilju, a da će se od onoga tko nema oduzeti i ono što ima. Ja ću se stoga od sada obraćati narodu usporedbama kako bi naši prijatelji i oni koji žele znati istinu mogu pronaći ono što traže, dok naši neprijatelji i oni koji ne vole istinu mogu samo čuti moje riječi bez razumijevanja. Mnogi od tih ljudi ne slijede put istine. Prorok je, uistinu, pravilno opisao sve ove nesmotrene duše kada je rekao: 'Oteža salom srce ovom narodu, oglušiše uši da ušima ne čuju, zaslijepiše oči da očima ne vide kako ne bi razlučili istinu i razumjeli je u svojim srcima.'"
151:1.4 (1689.2) “In patience have I instructed you all this time. To you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to the undiscerning multitudes and to those who seek our destruction, from now on, the mysteries of the kingdom shall be presented in parables. And this we will do so that those who really desire to enter the kingdom may discern the meaning of the teaching and thus find salvation, while those who listen only to ensnare us may be the more confounded in that they will see without seeing and will hear without hearing. My children, do you not perceive the law of the spirit which decrees that to him who has shall be given so that he shall have an abundance; but from him who has not shall be taken away even that which he has. Therefore will I henceforth speak to the people much in parables to the end that our friends and those who desire to know the truth may find that which they seek, while our enemies and those who love not the truth may hear without understanding. Many of these people follow not in the way of the truth. The prophet did, indeed, describe all such undiscerning souls when he said: ‘For this people’s heart has waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed lest they should discern the truth and understand it in their hearts.’”
    Apostoli nisu u potpunosti mogli shvatiti značenje Učiteljevih riječi. Dok su Andrija i Tomo dalje razgovarali s Isusom, Petar i drugi apostoli su se povukli u drugi dio vrta gdje su se upustili u dugu i ozbiljnu raspravu.
151:1.5 (1689.3) The apostles did not fully comprehend the significance of the Master’s words. As Andrew and Thomas talked further with Jesus, Peter and the other apostles withdrew to another portion of the garden where they engaged in earnest and prolonged discussion.


2. Interpretation of the Parable

    Petar i grupa koja se oko njega okupila došli su do zaključka da je prispodoba o sijaču bila alegorija gdje je svaki dio imao neko skriveno značenje, te su odlučili ponovo otići k Isusu i tražiti objašnjenje. U skladu s tim, Petar je prišao Učitelju, govoreći: " Mi nismo u stanju prodrijeti u značenje ove prispodobe i tražimo da nam pojasniš njezin smisao, jer ti kažeš da nam je dano znati otajstva kraljevstva." A kad je Isus to čuo, rekao je Petru: "Sine moj, ne želim ništa uskratiti od vas, ali ponajprije mi reci o čemu ste vi govorili; koja je vaša interpretacija prispodobe?"
151:2.1 (1689.4) Peter and the group about him came to the conclusion that the parable of the sower was an allegory, that each feature had some hidden meaning, and so they decided to go to Jesus and ask for an explanation. Accordingly, Peter approached the Master, saying: “We are not able to penetrate the meaning of this parable, and we desire that you explain it to us since you say it is given us to know the mysteries of the kingdom.” And when Jesus heard this, he said to Peter: “My son, I desire to withhold nothing from you, but first suppose you tell me what you have been talking about; what is your interpretation of the parable?”
    Nakon nekoliko trenutaka tišine, Petar je rekao: Učitelju, razgovarali smo puno o prispodobi i došli do ovakvog tumačenja: Sijač je učitelj evanđelja; sjeme je riječ Božja. Sjeme koje pade pored puta predstavlja one koji ne razumiju nauk evanđelja. Ptice koje pozobaše sjeme koje je palo na stvrdnuto tlo predstavljaju Sotonu ili zlog koji krade ono što je posijano u srcima ovih neukih. Sjeme koje pade na kamenito tlo i koje naglo izniknu, predstavlja one površne i nesmotrene osobe koje, kada čuju evanđelje, prime poruku s radošću; ali kako istina nema prave korijene u njihovom dubljem razumijevanju, njihova je odanost kratkog vijeka kad se suoče s nevoljama i progonom. Kad ih snađe nevolja, ovi vjernici počnu posrtati; oni padaju u iskušenje. Sjeme koje pade u trnje predstavlja one koji čuju riječ drage volje, ali koji dopuste brigama svijeta i zavodljivosti bogatstva da uguše riječ istine, tako da ostanu bez ploda. Konačno, sjeme koje pade na dobro tlo rodi plodove, neko tridesetostruke, neko šezdesetostruke, a neko stostruke, što predstavlja one koji su čuli i primili istinu s različitim stupnjevima zahvalnosti - zbog različitosti intelektualnog obdarenja među ljudima - i tako ostvarili ove različite stupnjeve religioznog iskustva."
151:2.2 (1689.5) After a moment of silence, Peter said: “Master, we have talked much concerning the parable, and this is the interpretation I have decided upon: The sower is the gospel preacher; the seed is the word of God. The seed which fell by the wayside represents those who do not understand the gospel teaching. The birds which snatched away the seed that fell upon the hardened ground represent Satan, or the evil one, who steals away that which has been sown in the hearts of these ignorant ones. The seed which fell upon the rocky places, and which sprang up so suddenly, represents those superficial and unthinking persons who, when they hear the glad tidings, receive the message with joy; but because the truth has no real root in their deeper understanding, their devotion is short-lived in the face of tribulation and persecution. When trouble comes, these believers stumble; they fall away when tempted. The seed which fell among thorns represents those who hear the word willingly, but who allow the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches to choke the word of truth so that it becomes unfruitful. Now the seed which fell on good ground and sprang up to bear, some thirty, some sixty, and some a hundredfold, represents those who, when they have heard the truth, receive it with varying degrees of appreciation—owing to their differing intellectual endowments—and hence manifest these varying degrees of religious experience.”
    Isus je prvo saslušao Petrovo tumačenje usporedbe, a onda je pozvao druge apostole da iznesu svoje sugestije. Na ovaj je poziv odgovorio samo Natanije.Rekao je: "Učitelju, nalazim više dobrih ideja u načinu na koji Šimun Petar tumači ovu prispodobu, ali ne slažem se s njim u potpunosti. Ja mislim da ova prispodoba kaže ovako: Sjeme predstavlja evanđelje kraljevstva, dok sijač predstavlja poslanike kraljevstva. Sjeme koje pade pored puta na stvrdnutu zemlju predstavlja one koji su čuli, ali su čuli samo malo evanđelja, kao i one koji su ravnodušni prema njegovoj poruci i koji su tvrdokorna srca. Ptice nebeske koje su pozobale sjeme koje je palo pokraj puta predstavljaju čovjekove životne navike, napast zla i požude tijela. Sjeme koje je palo na kamenje predstavlja one emocionalne duše koje brzo prime nova učenja i jednako brzo odustanu od istine kad se suoče s poteškoćama i stvarnostima življenja te istine; ovi ljudi nemaju duhovne percepcije. Sjeme koje pade u trnje predstavlja one koje ovo evanđelje eventualno može privući; oni imaju namjeru slijediti ova učenja, ali im na put staju životni ponos, ljubomora, zavist i tjeskobe zemaljske egzistencije. Sjeme koje pade na dobru zemlju i koje donese rod, neko tridesetostruk, neko šezdesetostruk, a neko strostruk, predstavlja prirodne i specifične stupnjeve sposobnosti raspoznavanja istine i reagiranja na duhovna učenja muškaraca i žena koji su različito obdareni osvjetljenjem duha."
151:2.3 (1690.1) Jesus, after listening to Peter’s interpretation of the parable, asked the other apostles if they did not also have suggestions to offer. To this invitation only Nathaniel responded. Said he: “Master, while I recognize many good things about Simon Peter’s interpretation of the parable, I do not fully agree with him. My idea of this parable would be: The seed represents the gospel of the kingdom, while the sower stands for the messengers of the kingdom. The seed which fell by the wayside on hardened ground represents those who have heard but little of the gospel, along with those who are indifferent to the message, and who have hardened their hearts. The birds of the sky that snatched away the seed which fell by the wayside represent one’s habits of life, the temptation of evil, and the desires of the flesh. The seed which fell among the rocks stands for those emotional souls who are quick to receive new teaching and equally quick to give up the truth when confronted with the difficulties and realities of living up to this truth; they lack spiritual perception. The seed which fell among the thorns represents those who are attracted to the truths of the gospel; they are minded to follow its teachings, but they are prevented by the pride of life, jealousy, envy, and the anxieties of human existence. The seed which fell on good soil, springing up to bear, some thirty, some sixty, and some a hundredfold, represents the natural and varying degrees of ability to comprehend truth and respond to its spiritual teachings by men and women who possess diverse endowments of spirit illumination.”
    Kad je Natanije završio s govorom, apostoli i njihovi suradnici su pali u ozbiljnu raspravu i bili odani iskrenom razgovoru, neki se zalažući za ispravnost Petrove interpretacije, dok je gotovo jednak broj nastojao obraniti Natanijevo objašnjenje prispodobe. U međuvremenu su se Petar i Natanije povukli u kuću, gdje su se predali snažnom i odlučnom nastojanju da jedan drugog uvjere i navedu na promjenu mišljenja.
151:2.4 (1690.2) When Nathaniel had finished speaking, the apostles and their associates fell into serious discussion and engaged in earnest debate, some contending for the correctness of Peter’s interpretation, while almost an equal number sought to defend Nathaniel’s explanation of the parable. Meanwhile Peter and Nathaniel had withdrawn to the house, where they were involved in a vigorous and determined effort the one to convince and change the mind of the other.
    Učitelj je dopustio da prođe zbrka i da se stiša najintenzivniji izražaj; onda je pljesnuo rukama i pozvao ih da se okupe oko njega. Kad su se ponovo svi skupili oko njega, rekao je: "Prije nego što vam pojasnim ovu prispodobu, imali li koji od vas išta reći?" Nakon nekoliko trenutaka tišine, Tomo je rekao: "Da, Učitelju, želim reći nekoliko riječi. Sjećam se da si nam jednom prilikom rekao da se čuvamo upravo ovakve situacije. Rekao si da je prilikom ilustracije propovijedi najbolje uposliti istinite priče, a ne izmišljotine, i da odaberemo priču koja najbolje odgovara ilustraciji jedne centralne i vitalne istine koju želimo predočiti ljudima, a da, nakon što tako upotrijebimo ovu priču, ne trebamo nuditi duhovno tumačenje svih manjih detalja koji u nju ulaze. Držim da su i Petar i Natanije u krivu u svojim pokušajima da tako protumače ovu prispodobu. Divim se njihovoj sposobnosti, ali sam isto tako siguran da svi takvi pokušaji izvlačenja duhovne analogije iz svih značajki ovakve prirodne usporedbe samo mogu donijeti zbunjenost i ozbiljne pogreške u pokušaju razumijevanja stvarne svrhe takve usporedbe. Da sam u pravu, u potpunosti dokazuje i činjenica da, dok smo prije sat vremena svi bili istog mišljenja, sad smo podijeljeni u dvije odvojene skupine od kojih svaka drži različito mišljenje u vezi ove parabole i tog se mišljenja drži tako ozbiljno da sama ova činjenica po mom mišljenju, staje na put našoj sposobnosti da u potpunosti shvatimo veliku istinu koju si namjeravao predočiti narodu kad si ispričao ovu prispodobu i kad si nas zamolio da je komentiramo."
151:2.5 (1690.3) The Master permitted this confusion to pass the point of most intense expression; then he clapped his hands and called them about him. When they had all gathered around him once more, he said, “Before I tell you about this parable, do any of you have aught to say?” Following a moment of silence, Thomas spoke up: “Yes, Master, I wish to say a few words. I remember that you once told us to beware of this very thing. You instructed us that, when using illustrations for our preaching, we should employ true stories, not fables, and that we should select a story best suited to the illustration of the one central and vital truth which we wished to teach the people, and that, having so used the story, we should not attempt to make a spiritual application of all the minor details involved in the telling of the story. I hold that Peter and Nathaniel are both wrong in their attempts to interpret this parable. I admire their ability to do these things, but I am equally sure that all such attempts to make a natural parable yield spiritual analogies in all its features can only result in confusion and serious misconception of the true purpose of such a parable. That I am right is fully proved by the fact that, whereas we were all of one mind an hour ago, now are we divided into two separate groups who hold different opinions concerning this parable and hold such opinions so earnestly as to interfere, in my opinion, with our ability fully to grasp the great truth which you had in mind when you presented this parable to the multitude and subsequently asked us to make comment upon it.”
    Tomine su riječi imale umirujući učinak na sve njih. Naveo ih je da se sjete onoga što ih je Isus učio u ranijim slučajevima, a prije nego je Isus nastavio govoriti, Andrija je ustao, govoreći: "Ja sam uvjeren da je Tomo u pravu i želim ga pitati kakvo tumačenje on pridaje prispodobi o sijaču." Nakon što je Isus pozvao Tomu da govori, ovaj je rekao: "Braćo moja, ja ne želim produljiti raspravu, ali ako to želite, ja ću vam reći da mislim da je ova usporedba rečena s namjerom da nas nauči jednoj velikoj istini. A to je da naš nauk evanđelja kraljevstva, bez obzira koliko vjerno i učinkovito izvršili svoje božansko povjerenstvo, mora biti praćen različitim stupnjevima uspjeha; i da sve takve razlike u rezultatima proizlaze izravno iz različitih uvjeta svojstvenih okolnostima naše misije, uvjeta nad kojima imamo malo ili nimalo kontrole."
151:2.6 (1691.1) The words which Thomas spoke had a quieting effect on all of them. He caused them to recall what Jesus had taught them on former occasions, and before Jesus resumed speaking, Andrew arose, saying: “I am persuaded that Thomas is right, and I would like to have him tell us what meaning he attaches to the parable of the sower.” After Jesus had beckoned Thomas to speak, he said: “My brethren, I did not wish to prolong this discussion, but if you so desire, I will say that I think this parable was spoken to teach us one great truth. And that is that our teaching of the gospel of the kingdom, no matter how faithfully and efficiently we execute our divine commissions, is going to be attended by varying degrees of success; and that all such differences in results are directly due to conditions inherent in the circumstances of our ministry, conditions over which we have little or no control.”
    Kada je Tomo završio s govorom, većina njegovih kolega je bili spremni složiti se s njim, dok su Petar i Natanije bili na putu razgovarati s njim, kad je Isus ustao i rekao: "Bravo, Tomo; ovo je pravo značenje usporedbe; a Petar i Natanije su vam učinili veliku uslugu tako što su vam u potpunosti pokazali opasnost od pokušaja pretvaranja usporedbe u alegoriju. U svojim srcima svaki čovjek ponekad može izvući korist iz takvog poleta špekulativne mašte, ali je pogrešno nastojati ponuditi takve zaključke kao dio vašeg poučavanja javnosti."
151:2.7 (1691.2) When Thomas had finished speaking, the majority of his fellow preachers were about ready to agree with him, even Peter and Nathaniel were on their way over to speak with him, when Jesus arose and said: “Well done, Thomas; you have discerned the true meaning of parables; but both Peter and Nathaniel have done you all equal good in that they have so fully shown the danger of undertaking to make an allegory out of my parables. In your own hearts you may often profitably engage in such flights of the speculative imagination, but you make a mistake when you seek to offer such conclusions as a part of your public teaching.”
    Sad kad je napetost popustila, Petar i Natanije su jedan drugom čestitali na individualnim tumačenjima, a osim Alfejevih blizanaca, svaki je apostol ponudio svoje tumačenje prispodobe o sijaču prije nego što su pošli na počinak. Čak je i Juda Iskariotski ponudio vrlo uvjerljivo tumačenje. Dvanaestorica su često, među sobom, pokušali protumačiti Učiteljeve prispodobe kao da su alegorije, ali nikad više nisu uzeli takva nagađanja ozbiljno. Bila je ovo vrlo korisna pouka apostolima i njihovim suradnicima, osobito zato što je Isus od tog vremena sve više koristio usporedbe u vezi sa svojim javnim učenjima.
151:2.8 (1691.3) Now that the tension was over, Peter and Nathaniel congratulated each other on their interpretations, and with the exception of the Alpheus twins, each of the apostles ventured to make an interpretation of the parable of the sower before they retired for the night. Even Judas Iscariot offered a very plausible interpretation. The twelve would often, among themselves, attempt to figure out the Master’s parables as they would an allegory, but never again did they regard such speculations seriously. This was a very profitable session for the apostles and their associates, especially so since from this time on Jesus more and more employed parables in connection with his public teaching.


3. More About Parables

    Apostoli su još uvijek bili zaokupljeni pitanjem prispodoba, tako da je čitava sljedeća večer bila posvećena daljnjoj raspravi na ovu temu. Isus je započeo večernju raspavu rekavši: "Dragi moji, uvijek morate prilagoditi svoja učenja tako da vaše predočenje istine odgovara umovima i srcima ljudi koji stoje pred vama.Kad se nađete pred mnoštvom ljudi različitih intelektualnih i temperamentalnih osobina, a ne možete reći različite riječi svakoj skupini slušatelja, možete se poslužiti usporedbom kako bi prenijeli svoje učenje; i svaka će grupa, čak i svaki pojedinac, biti u mogućnosti napraviti vlastitu interpretaciju vaše prispodobe u skladu sa svojim intelektualnim i duhovnim darovima. Dopustite svojoj svjetlosti da sija, ali to učinite sa mudrosti i diskrecijom. Nijedan čovjek, ako zapali svjetiljku, ne stavi je pod varićak ili pod postelju; nego on stavi svoju svjetiljku na svijećnjak da svijetli svima. Dopustite mi da vam kažem da nema ništa sakriveno u kraljevstvu nebeskom što se neće očitovati; niti postoje bilo kakve tajne koje neće na kraju biti poznate. S vremenom će sve doći na vidjelo. Ne mislite samo o narodu i kako on čuje istinu; obratite pažnju i na sebe i na to kako vi slušate. Sjetite se da sam vam mnogo puta rekao: Onome tko ima, dat će mu se još više, a od onoga koji nema oduzet će se i ono što misli da ima."
151:3.1 (1691.4) The apostles were parable-minded, so much so that the whole of the next evening was devoted to the further discussion of parables. Jesus introduced the evening’s conference by saying: “My beloved, you must always make a difference in teaching so as to suit your presentation of truth to the minds and hearts before you. When you stand before a multitude of varying intellects and temperaments, you cannot speak different words for each class of hearers, but you can tell a story to convey your teaching; and each group, even each individual, will be able to make his own interpretation of your parable in accordance with his own intellectual and spiritual endowments. You are to let your light shine but do so with wisdom and discretion. No man, when he lights a lamp, covers it up with a vessel or puts it under the bed; he puts his lamp on a stand where all can behold the light. Let me tell you that nothing is hid in the kingdom of heaven which shall not be made manifest; neither are there any secrets which shall not ultimately be made known. Eventually, all these things shall come to light. Think not only of the multitudes and how they hear the truth; take heed also to yourselves how you hear. Remember that I have many times told you: To him who has shall be given more, while from him who has not shall be taken away even that which he thinks he has.”
    Nastavak rasprave o usporedbama i daljnje upute u vezi njihova tumačenja može se sažeti i izraziti suvremenim jezikom kako slijedi:
151:3.2 (1692.1) The continued discussion of parables and further instruction as to their interpretation may be summarized and expressed in modern phraseology as follows:
    1. Isus je preporučio da ne koriste bilo basne ili alegorije pri učenju istina evanđelja. Predložio je slobodno korištenje usporedbi, a posebno usporedbi o prirodi. Naglasio je vrijednost korištenja analogije između prirodnog i duhovnog svijeta kao sredstva podučavanja istine. Često je aludirao na prirodu kao "nestvarnu i kratkotrajnu sjenu stvarnosti duha."
151:3.3 (1692.2) 1. Jesus advised against the use of either fables or allegories in teaching the truths of the gospel. He did recommend the free use of parables, especially nature parables. He emphasized the value of utilizing the analogy existing between the natural and the spiritual worlds as a means of teaching truth. He frequently alluded to the natural as “the unreal and fleeting shadow of spirit realities.”
    2. Isus je pripovijedao tri ili četiri prispodobe iz židovskih spisa, pozivajući pozornost na činjenicu da ova metoda poučavanja nije bila posve nova. Međutim, ona je postalo gotovo nova metoda poučavanja onako kako ju je on koristio od tog vremena nadalje.
151:3.4 (1692.3) 2. Jesus narrated three or four parables from the Hebrew scriptures, calling attention to the fact that this method of teaching was not wholly new. However, it became almost a new method of teaching as he employed it from this time onward.
    3. U poučavanju apostola vrijednosti prispodoba, Isus je pozvao pozornost na sljedeće točke:
151:3.5 (1692.4) 3. In teaching the apostles the value of parables, Jesus called attention to the following points:
    Prispodoba u isto vrijeme prozvodi apel na znatno različite razine uma i duha. Prispodoba potiče maštu, produbljuje pronicavost i izaziva kritičko razmišljanje; ona promiče simpatiju ne budeći antagonizam.
151:3.6 (1692.5) The parable provides for a simultaneous appeal to vastly different levels of mind and spirit. The parable stimulates the imagination, challenges the discrimination, and provokes critical thinking; it promotes sympathy without arousing antagonism.
    Usporedba se kreće od onoga što je poznato u smjeru otkrivenja onoga što je nepoznato. Ona koristi materijalno i prirodno kao sredstva kojima se upoznaje duhovno i nadmaterijalno.
151:3.7 (1692.6) The parable proceeds from the things which are known to the discernment of the unknown. The parable utilizes the material and natural as a means of introducing the spiritual and the supermaterial.
    Usporedba navodi ljude da donesu nepristrane moralne odluke. Prispodoba uspijeva izmaći velikom broju predrasuda dok elegantno stavlja novu istinu u ljudski um izazivajući minimumalnu samoobranu i osobnu odbojnost.
151:3.8 (1692.7) Parables favor the making of impartial moral decisions. The parable evades much prejudice and puts new truth gracefully into the mind and does all this with the arousal of a minimum of the self-defense of personal resentment.
    Odbacivanje istine sadržane u parabolskoj analogiji zahtijeva svjestan intelektualni čin kojem se neposredno opiru častan sud i pošteno odlučivanje. Usporedba nagoni čovjeka da proslijedi misli kroz osjetilo sluha.
151:3.9 (1692.8) To reject the truth contained in parabolical analogy requires conscious intellectual action which is directly in contempt of one’s honest judgment and fair decision. The parable conduces to the forcing of thought through the sense of hearing.
    Korištenje prispodobe kao oblik poučavanja omogućava učitelju da iznese nove, pa čak i zapanjujuće istine, dok u isto vrijeme u velikoj mjeri izbjegava sve kontroverze i vanjski sukob s tradicijom i uspostavljenom vlasti.
151:3.10 (1692.9) The use of the parable form of teaching enables the teacher to present new and even startling truths while at the same time he largely avoids all controversy and outward clashing with tradition and established authority.
    Prispodoba dalje ima prednost jer priziva u sjećanje istinu koju čovjek uči kad se ponovo nađe u već poznatim okolnostima.
151:3.11 (1693.1) The parable also possesses the advantage of stimulating the memory of the truth taught when the same familiar scenes are subsequently encountered.
    Isus je na taj način nastojao upoznati svoje sljedbenike s mnogim razlozima iz kojih je sve više koristio usporedbe u učenju naroda.
151:3.12 (1693.2) In this way Jesus sought to acquaint his followers with many of the reasons underlying his practice of increasingly using parables in his public teaching.
    Pred kraj večernje sjednice Isus je ponudio prvi komentar prispodobe o sijaču. Rekao je da se prispodoba odnosi na dvije stvari: Prvo, da je bila osvrt na njegovu misiju do tog vrmena i prognoza onoga što ga čeka za ostatka njegova života na zemlji. I drugo, da je bila nagovještaj onoga što su apostoli i drugi glasnici kraljevstva mogli očekivati u njihovoj službi iz generacije u generaciju u budućnosti.
151:3.13 (1693.3) Toward the close of the evening’s lesson Jesus made his first comment on the parable of the sower. He said the parable referred to two things: First, it was a review of his own ministry up to that time and a forecast of what lay ahead of him for the remainder of his life on earth. And second, it was also a hint as to what the apostles and other messengers of the kingdom might expect in their ministry from generation to generation as time passed.
    Isus je također pribjegao korištenju usporedbi kao najbolje moguće metode za obranu od studioznih nastojanja religioznih vođa Jeruzalema da prikažu njegov rad kao djelovanje uz pomoć demona i zlih duhova. Apel na prirodu je bio protivan ovim nastojanjima jer su ljudi tog vremena gledali na sve prirodne pojave kao rezultat neposrednog djelovanja duhovnih bića i nadnaravnih sila. Također je koristio ovu metodu pouke jer mu je omogućila da proglasi važne istine onima koji su htjeli znati bolji put, dok je u isto vrijeme davao svojim neprijateljima manje prilike da nađu uzroka krivnji i optužbama protiv njega.
151:3.14 (1693.4) Jesus also resorted to the use of parables as the best possible refutation of the studied effort of the religious leaders at Jerusalem to teach that all of his work was done by the assistance of demons and the prince of devils. The appeal to nature was in contravention of such teaching since the people of that day looked upon all natural phenomena as the product of the direct act of spiritual beings and supernatural forces. He also determined upon this method of teaching because it enabled him to proclaim vital truths to those who desired to know the better way while at the same time affording his enemies less opportunity to find cause for offense and for accusations against him.
    Prije nego što je poslao ovu grupu na počinak, Isus je rekao: "Sada ću vam reći posljednji dio usporedbe o sijaču. Želim vas iskušati da vidim kako ćete ovo protumačiti: Kraljevstvo je nebesko kao čovjek koji baca dobro sjeme na zemlju; i dok on spava noću i ide svojim poslom danju, sjeme niče i raste i da on o tome ništa ne zna, donese rod. Prvo je bilo stabljika, onda uho, a potom je bilo puno zrnja na klasu. A onda kad je zrno bilo zrelo, odmah prinese srp, jer je žetva bila završena. Tko ima uši da čuje, neka čuje."
151:3.15 (1693.5) Before he dismissed the group for the night, Jesus said: “Now will I tell you the last of the parable of the sower. I would test you to know how you will receive this: The kingdom of heaven is also like a man who cast good seed upon the earth; and while he slept by night and went about his business by day, the seed sprang up and grew, and although he knew not how it came about, the plant came to fruit. First there was the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. And then when the grain was ripe, he put forth the sickle, and the harvest was finished. He who has an ear to hear, let him hear.”
    Mnogo su puta apostoli prevrtali ove riječi po svojim mislima, ali Učitelj nikada nije ponovo pomenuo ovaj posljednji dio usporedbe o sijaču.
151:3.16 (1693.6) Many times did the apostles turn this saying over in their minds, but the Master never made further mention of this addition to the parable of the sower.


4. More Parables by the Sea

    Sutradan je Isus ponovo poučavao narod iz broda, govoreći: "Kraljevstvo je nebesko kao čovjek koji posije dobro sjeme na svojoj njivi; a dok je on spavao, dođe njegov neprijatelj, posije kukolj među pšenicom i brzo ode. A kad usjev naraste i spremi se donijeti rod, pokaza se korov. Pristupiše onda sluge domaćinu te mu rekoše: ‘Gospodaru, jesi li ti dobro sjeme posijao na svojoj njivi? Odakle ovi korovi? A on je odgovorio svojim slugama: ‘To je učinio neprijatelj.’ Sluge zatim upitaše njihova gospodara, 'Hoćemo li izaći i iščupati ove korove? ' A on im odgovori, 'Ne, da ne bi čupajući korove, počupali s njima i pšenicu. Umjesto toga neka ih oboje raste do vremena žetve, kada ću reći žeteocima: Pokupite najprije kukolj te ga svežite u snopove da se spali, a zatim skupite žito i uskladištite ga u moju žitnicu.'"
151:4.1 (1693.7) The next day Jesus again taught the people from the boat, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while he slept, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and hastened away. And so when the young blades sprang up and later were about to bring forth fruit, there appeared also the weeds. Then the servants of this householder came and said to him: ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? Whence then come these weeds?’ And he replied to his servants, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants then asked their master, ‘Would you have us go out and pluck up these weeds?’ But he answered them and said: ‘No, lest while you are gathering them up, you uproot the wheat also. Rather let them both grow together until the time of the harvest, when I will say to the reapers, Gather up first the weeds and bind them in bundles to burn and then gather up the wheat to be stored in my barn.’”
    Nakon što je narod pitao nekoliko pitanja, Isus je rekao još jednu prispodobu: “Kraljevstvo je nebesko kao zrno gorušičino koje čovjek uze i posije na svojoj njivi. To je, dapače, najsitnije od sjemena, ali kad uzraste, postaje najveća od svih biljaka, razvijajući se u stablo, tako da dolaze ptice nebeske i gnijezde se u njegovim granama.”
151:4.2 (1693.8) After the people had asked a few questions, Jesus spoke another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed which a man sowed in his field. Now a mustard seed is the least of seeds, but when it is full grown, it becomes the greatest of all herbs and is like a tree so that the birds of heaven are able to come and rest in the branches thereof.”
    "Kraljevstvo je nebesko kao kvasac koji žena uze i zamijesi s tri mjere brašna i na taj način se dogodi da cijeli obrok uskisne."
151:4.3 (1694.1) “The kingdom of heaven is also like leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, and in this way it came about that all of the meal was leavened.”
    "Kraljevstvo je nebesko kao blago sakriveno na njivi koje čovjek otkrije. U svojoj radosti iziđe da proda sve što je imao da bi mogao imati novce za kupnju te njive."
151:4.4 (1694.2) “The kingdom of heaven is also like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man discovered. In his joy he went forth to sell all he had that he might have the money to buy the field.”
    "Kraljevstvo je nebesko poput trgovca koji traži skupocjeno biserje i kad se namjeri na jedan dragocjeni biser, ode da proda sve što je imao kako bi bio u mogućnosti kupiti to skupocjeno biserje."
151:4.5 (1694.3) “The kingdom of heaven is also like a merchant seeking goodly pearls; and having found one pearl of great price, he went out and sold everything he possessed that he might be able to buy the extraordinary pearl.”
    "Nadalje, kraljevstvo je nebesko kao mreža za hvatanje koja se baci u more i zahvati svakovrsne ribe. Kad se napuni, ribari je izvuku na obalu te sjednu i izdvoje ribu, prikupljajući one dobre u posude, a bacajući one loše."
151:4.6 (1694.4) “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a sweep net which was cast into the sea, and it gathered up every kind of fish. Now, when the net was filled, the fishermen drew it up on the beach, where they sat down and sorted out the fish, gathering the good into vessels while the bad they threw away.”
    Isus je govorio svjetini i mnoge druge usporedbe. Ustvari, od ovog je vremena rijetko učio ljude osim na ovaj način. Nakon što je narodu govorio u prispodobama, u večnjim je satim potpunije i detaljnije razlagao svoja učenja apostolima i evanđelistima.
151:4.7 (1694.5) Many other parables spoke Jesus to the multitudes. In fact, from this time forward he seldom taught the masses except by this means. After speaking to a public audience in parables, he would, during the evening classes, more fully and explicitly expound his teachings to the apostles and the evangelists.


5. The Visit to Kheresa

    Mnoštvo je nastavio rasti tijekom tjedna. Isus je u subotu požurio u brda, ali kad je došla nedjelja ujutro, gomila se vratila. Isus se obratio narodu u rano poslijepodne nakon Petrove propovijedi, a kad je završio, rekao je apostolima: "Umoran sam od naroda; idemo prijeći na drugu obalu da uzmemo dan odmora."
151:5.1 (1694.6) The multitude continued to increase throughout the week. On Sabbath Jesus hastened away to the hills, but when Sunday morning came, the crowds returned. Jesus spoke to them in the early afternoon after the preaching of Peter, and when he had finished, he said to his apostles: “I am weary of the throngs; let us cross over to the other side that we may rest for a day.”
    Na putu preko jezera naišli su na jednu od onih ljutih i iznenadnih oluja s vjetrom koje su bile tipične za Genezaretsko more, pogotovo u ovo doba godine. Ovo jezero leži gotovo sedam stotina stopa ispod razine mora i okruženo je visokim liticama, naročito na zapadu. Tu se strme klisure uspinju iz vode, a kako se zagrijani zrak diže i skuplja nad jezerom tijekom dana, postoji tendencija da se hladniji zrak iz klisura nakon zalaska sunca iznenada spusti na jezero. Takve oluje naglo dolaze i uglavnom jednako naglo odlaze.
151:5.2 (1694.7) On the way across the lake they encountered one of those violent and sudden windstorms which are characteristic of the Sea of Galilee, especially at this season of the year. This body of water is almost seven hundred feet below the level of the sea and is surrounded by high banks, especially on the west. There are steep gorges leading up from the lake into the hills, and as the heated air rises in a pocket over the lake during the day, there is a tendency after sunset for the cooling air of the gorges to rush down upon the lake. These gales come on quickly and sometimes go away just as suddenly.
    Upravo je jedna takva večernja oluja uhvatila brod koji je nosio Isusa na drugu stranu jezera u ovu nedjelju navečer. Za njima su išla tri druga broda koja su nosila neke od mlađih evanđelista. Oluja je bila teška, unatoč tome što je bila ograničena na ovu regiju jezera, dok joj na zapadnoj obali nije bilo ni traga. Vjetar je bio toliko jak da su valovi počeli prelaziti preko palube. Snažni je vjetar razderao jedro prije nego što su ga apostoli mogli skupiti, a oni su u potpunosti ovisili o njihovim veslima dok su mukotrpno veslali prema obali, malo više od dva i pol kilometra.
151:5.3 (1694.8) It was just such an evening gale that caught the boat carrying Jesus over to the other side on this Sunday evening. Three other boats containing some of the younger evangelists were trailing after. This tempest was severe, notwithstanding that it was confined to this region of the lake, there being no evidence of a storm on the western shore. The wind was so strong that the waves began to wash over the boat. The high wind had torn the sail away before the apostles could furl it, and they were now entirely dependent on their oars as they laboriously pulled for the shore, a little more than a mile and a half distant.
    Isus je u međuvremenu spavao na krmi pod malim zaklonom. Učitelj je bio umoran kad su napustili Betsaidu, i upravo zato je tražio da odu na drugu obalu jezera. Ovi su bivši ribari bili jaki i iskusni veslači, ali ovo je bila jedna od najgorih oluja koju su ikada doživjeli. Iako su vjetar i valovi bacali njihov brod kao igračku, Isus je nesmetano spavao. Peter je bio na desnom veslu u blizini krme. Kad se brod počeo puniti vodom, spustio je veslo iprišao Isusu, snažno ga tresući i kad se Isus probudio, Petar je uzbuđeno rekao: "Učitelju, zar ne znaš da smo usred ljute oluje? Ako nas ne spasiš, svi ćemo izginuti."
151:5.4 (1694.9) Meanwhile Jesus lay asleep in the stern of the boat under a small overhead shelter. The Master was weary when they left Bethsaida, and it was to secure rest that he had directed them to sail him across to the other side. These ex-fishermen were strong and experienced oarsmen, but this was one of the worst gales they had ever encountered. Although the wind and the waves tossed their boat about as though it were a toy ship, Jesus slumbered on undisturbed. Peter was at the right-hand oar near the stern. When the boat began to fill with water, he dropped his oar and, rushing over to Jesus, shook him vigorously in order to awaken him, and when he was aroused, Peter said: “Master, don’t you know we are in a violent storm? If you do not save us, we will all perish.”
    Kako je Isus izišao na kišu, prvo je pogledao Petra, a onda je zureći u mrak prešao pogledom preko umornih veslača, te je ponovo vratio pogled na Šimuna Petra koji se u svojoj agitaciji još nije bio vratio veslu, i rekao: "Zašto ste tako puni straha? Gdje vam je vera? Tišina, smirite se." Isus je jedva izgovorio ovaj ukor Petru i drugim apostolima, pozivajući Petra da traži mir kojim će smiriti svoju izmučenu dušu, kad se poremećena atmosfera, nakon što je povratila ravnotežu, skrasila u dubokom miru. Ljuti valovi su se gotovo istog časa smirili, dok su se tamni oblaci razišli nakon kratke kiše, a na noćnom nebu su zasjale zvijezde. Sve je to bilo čista slučajnost kako smo mi mogli suditi; ali apostoli, a osobito Šimun Petar, nikada nisu prestali smatrati cijelu epizodu čudom prirode. U to je vrijeme bilo osobito lako ljudima vjerovati u čuda prirode jer su čvrsto vjerovali da je cjelokupna priroda kao fenomen bila pod izravnom kontrolom snaga duha i nadnaravnih bića.
151:5.5 (1695.1) As Jesus came out in the rain, he looked first at Peter, and then peering into the darkness at the struggling oarsmen, he turned his glance back upon Simon Peter, who, in his agitation, had not yet returned to his oar, and said: “Why are all of you so filled with fear? Where is your faith? Peace, be quiet.” Jesus had hardly uttered this rebuke to Peter and the other apostles, he had hardly bidden Peter seek peace wherewith to quiet his troubled soul, when the disturbed atmosphere, having established its equilibrium, settled down into a great calm. The angry waves almost immediately subsided, while the dark clouds, having spent themselves in a short shower, vanished, and the stars of heaven shone overhead. All this was purely coincidental as far as we can judge; but the apostles, particularly Simon Peter, never ceased to regard the episode as a nature miracle. It was especially easy for the men of that day to believe in nature miracles inasmuch as they firmly believed that all nature was a phenomenon directly under the control of spirit forces and supernatural beings.
    Isus je otvoreno objasnio dvanaestorici da su njegove riječi bile upućene njihovim uznemirenim duhovima i ustrašenim umovima, a ne prirodnim silama, ali to je bilo bez uspjeha. Isusovi sljedbenici su ustrajali u svom vlastitom tumačenju svih takvih slučajnih pojava. Od tog dana su inzistirali da je Učitelj imao apsolutnu moć nad elementima prirode. Petar nikad posustao govoreći kako "mu se i vjetrovi i valovi pokoravaju."
151:5.6 (1695.2) Jesus plainly explained to the twelve that he had spoken to their troubled spirits and had addressed himself to their fear-tossed minds, that he had not commanded the elements to obey his word, but it was of no avail. The Master’s followers always persisted in placing their own interpretation on all such coincidental occurrences. From this day on they insisted on regarding the Master as having absolute power over the natural elements. Peter never grew weary of reciting how “even the winds and the waves obey him.”
    Bilo je kasno navečer kad su Isus i njegovi suradnici stigli do obale, a budući da je bila mirna i lijepa noć, svi su se odmarali u čamcima i nisu išli na obalu sve do nedugo nakon izlaska sunca sljedećeg jutra. Kad su se svi okupili, nekih četrdeset ljudi, Isus je rekao: "Pođimo u ova brda na nekoliko dana, dok se posvetimo razmišljanju o problemima kraljevstva Očeva."
151:5.7 (1695.3) It was late in the evening when Jesus and his associates reached the shore, and since it was a calm and beautiful night, they all rested in the boats, not going ashore until shortly after sunrise the next morning. When they were gathered together, about forty in all, Jesus said: “Let us go up into yonder hills and tarry for a few days while we ponder over the problems of the Father’s kingdom.”


6. The Kheresa Lunatic

    Iako se veći dio obližnje istočne obale jezera lagano uspinjao prema obližnjim visoravnima, na ovom se mjestu spuštala strma padina, a obala se na nekim mjestima okomito spuštala u jezero. Pokazujući na padine obližnjeg brda, Isus je rekao: "Pođimo na ovo brdo naći zaklona gdje ćemo doručkovati, odmoriti se i razgovarati."
151:6.1 (1695.4) Although most of the near-by eastern shore of the lake sloped up gently to the highlands beyond, at this particular spot there was a steep hillside, the shore in some places dropping sheer down into the lake. Pointing up to the side of the near-by hill, Jesus said: “Let us go up on this hillside for our breakfast and under some of the shelters rest and talk.”
    Cijela je padina bila prekrivena špiljama isklesanim u stijeni. Mnoge od tih šupljina su bile drevni grobovi. Otprilike na pola puta uz brdo na maloj, relativno ravnoj litici bilo je groblje malog sela po imenu Kheresa. Dok su Isus i njegovi suradnici prolazili u blizini groblja, u susret im je požurio jedan luđak koji je živio u tim gorskim pećinama. Ovaj je ludi čovjek bio dobro poznat u tom području kako je nekoć bio vezan okovima i lancima i zatvoren u jednoj od pećina. Odavno je slomio okove i sad je lutao po volji među grobnicama i napuštenim pogrebnim grotama.
151:6.2 (1695.5) This entire hillside was covered with caverns which had been hewn out of the rock. Many of these niches were ancient sepulchres. About halfway up the hillside on a small, relatively level spot was the cemetery of the little village of Kheresa. As Jesus and his associates passed near this burial ground, a lunatic who lived in these hillside caverns rushed up to them. This demented man was well known about these parts, having onetime been bound with fetters and chains and confined in one of the grottoes. Long since he had broken his shackles and now roamed at will among the tombs and abandoned sepulchres.
    Ovaj je čovjek, po imenu Amos, patio od periodičnih napada ludila. Bilo je dužih razdoblja kad bi pronašao neku odjeću i kad se uglavnom prilično dobro nosio među ljudima. Tijekom jednog od tih lucidnih intervala otišao je u Betsaidu gdje je čuo propovijedanje Isusa i apostola, a u to je vrijeme neodlučno prihvatio vjeru u evanđelje kraljevstva. No, uskoro je nastupila burna faza njegove nevolje i ponovo je našao utočište među grobovima gdje je zavijao, glasno vikao i na druge načine terorizirao sve koji bi ga slučajno sreli.
151:6.3 (1696.1) This man, whose name was Amos, was afflicted with a periodic form of insanity. There were considerable spells when he would find some clothing and deport himself fairly well among his fellows. During one of these lucid intervals he had gone over to Bethsaida, where he heard the preaching of Jesus and the apostles, and at that time had become a halfhearted believer in the gospel of the kingdom. But soon a stormy phase of his trouble appeared, and he fled to the tombs, where he moaned, cried out aloud, and so conducted himself as to terrorize all who chanced to meet him.
    Kad je Amos prepoznao Isusa, pao je pred njim ničice i uzviknuo: "Znam ja tebe, Isuse, ali ja sam opsjednut mnogim zlim duhovima i preklinjem te da me ne mučiš." Ovaj je čovjek zaista vjerovao da je njegova periodična mentalna bolest nastupala zbog činjenice da su u takvim intervalima, zli ili nečisti duhovi ulazili u njega i dominirali nad njegovim umom i tijelom. Njegovi su problemi uglavnom bili emocionalni - mozak mu nije bio ozbiljnije bolestan.
151:6.4 (1696.2) When Amos recognized Jesus, he fell down at his feet and exclaimed: “I know you, Jesus, but I am possessed of many devils, and I beseech that you will not torment me.” This man truly believed that his periodic mental affliction was due to the fact that, at such times, evil or unclean spirits entered into him and dominated his mind and body. His troubles were mostly emotional—his brain was not grossly diseased.
    Isus je, gledajući odozgo na čovjeka koji je čučao kao životinja pred njegovim nogama, ispružio ruku, uhvatio čovjeka i uspravio ga, govoreći: "Amose, ti nisi opsjednut zlim duhom; čuo si radosnu vijest da si sin Božji. Zapovijedam ti da prestaneš s ovom ludorijom. Kad je Amos čuo kako Isus govori te riječi, u njegovom je intelektu došlo do takve transformacije da se odmah vratio zdravoj pameti i uspostavio normalnu kontrolu nad svojim emocijama. U ovo se vrijeme skupila velika grupa ljudi iz obližnjeg sela a ti su ljudi, praćeni svinjarima s obližnjih visoravni, bili zapanjeni kad su vidjeli kako ovaj luđak sjedi s Isusom i njegovim sljedbenicima i slobodno razgovara s njima u posjedu zdrave pameti.
151:6.5 (1696.3) Jesus, looking down upon the man crouching like an animal at his feet, reached down and, taking him by the hand, stood him up and said to him: “Amos, you are not possessed of a devil; you have already heard the good news that you are a son of God. I command you to come out of this spell.” And when Amos heard Jesus speak these words, there occurred such a transformation in his intellect that he was immediately restored to his right mind and the normal control of his emotions. By this time a considerable crowd had assembled from the near-by village, and these people, augmented by the swine herders from the highland above them, were astonished to see the lunatic sitting with Jesus and his followers, in possession of his right mind and freely conversing with them.
    Kako su svinjari požurili u selo da prošire vijesti o ozdravljenju luđaka, psi su krenuli na jedno manje nezaštićeno krdo od nekih trideset svinja i satjerali su većinu preko obronka ponora u more. Ta je slučajna pojava, vezana uz Isusovu prisutnost i navodno čudotvorno ozdravljenje ovog luđaka, vodila legendi da je Isus izliječio Amosa istjerivanjem legije zlih duhova koji su onda ušli u krdo svinja koje su naveli da pojure naglavačke preko obronka i da se strmoglave u more. Prije svršetka tog dana, ova je pripovijest prenesena od svinjara do svinjara i cijelo im je selo povjerovalo. Amos je zasigurno vjerovao u ovu priču; on je vidio kako svinje padaju preko ruba brijega nedugo nakon što se njegov uznemireni um konačno primirio i do kraja života je vjerovao da su sa sobom ponijele zle duhove koji su ga tako dugo mučili i proganjali. A to je uveliko učvrstilo trajnost njegova ozdravljenja. Također je istina da su svi Isusovi apostoli (osim Tome) vjerovali da je ova epizoda sa svinjama bila izravno povezana s Amosovim ozdravljenjem.
151:6.6 (1696.4) As the swine herders rushed into the village to spread the news of the taming of the lunatic, the dogs charged upon a small and untended herd of about thirty swine and drove most of them over a precipice into the sea. And it was this incidental occurrence, in connection with the presence of Jesus and the supposed miraculous curing of the lunatic, that gave origin to the legend that Jesus had cured Amos by casting a legion of devils out of him, and that these devils had entered into the herd of swine, causing them forthwith to rush headlong to their destruction in the sea below. Before the day was over, this episode was published abroad by the swine tenders, and the whole village believed it. Amos most certainly believed this story; he saw the swine tumbling over the brow of the hill shortly after his troubled mind had quieted down, and he always believed that they carried with them the very evil spirits which had so long tormented and afflicted him. And this had a good deal to do with the permanency of his cure. It is equally true that all of Jesus’ apostles (save Thomas) believed that the episode of the swine was directly connected with the cure of Amos.
    Isus tu nije uspio naći odmora koji je tražio. Veći dio tog dana njega su tražili oni koji su čuli o Amosovu ozdravljenju, a koje je privukla priča da su demoni izašli iz luđaka i ušli u krdo svinja. I tako, nakon samo jedne noći odmora, rano u utorak ujutro Isusa i njegove prijatelje je probudilo izaslanstvo svinjara, nežidova koji su došli sa zahtjevom da napusti njihovu oblast. Njihov je zastupnik rekao Petru i Andriji: "Ribari Galilejci, idite od nas i povedite sa sobom svog proroka. Znamo da je sveti čovjek, ali to ne znaju bogovi naše zemlje, a mi stojimo u opasnosti od gubitka još mnogo više svinja. Obuzeo nas je strah od vas, tako da vas molimo da se smjesta udaljite odavde." Kad je Isus to čuo, rekao je Andriji: "Vratimo se našem mjestu."
151:6.7 (1696.5) Jesus did not obtain the rest he was looking for. Most of that day he was thronged by those who came in response to the word that Amos had been cured, and who were attracted by the story that the demons had gone out of the lunatic into the herd of swine. And so, after only one night of rest, early Tuesday morning Jesus and his friends were awakened by a delegation of these swine-raising gentiles who had come to urge that he depart from their midst. Said their spokesman to Peter and Andrew: “Fishermen of Galilee, depart from us and take your prophet with you. We know he is a holy man, but the gods of our country do not know him, and we stand in danger of losing many swine. The fear of you has descended upon us, so that we pray you to go hence.” And when Jesus heard them, he said to Andrew, “Let us return to our place.”
    Dok su se spremali otići, Amos je molio Isusa da mu dopusti vratiti se s njima, ali Učitelj na to nije pristao. Isus je rekao Amosu: "Ne zaboravi da si sin Božji. Vrati se svom narodu pokazati im koje veliko djelo Bog učini za tebe." I tako je Amos otišao proširiti vijesti da je Isus istjerao legiju zlih duhova iz njegove napaćene duše i da su ovi duhovi ušli u krdo svinja i natjerali ih u smrt. I nije prestao dok nije obišao sve gradove Dekapolisa, govoreći o velikoj pomoći koju je primio od Isusa.
151:6.8 (1697.1) As they were about to depart, Amos besought Jesus to permit him to go back with them, but the Master would not consent. Said Jesus to Amos: “Forget not that you are a son of God. Return to your own people and show them what great things God has done for you.” And Amos went about publishing that Jesus had cast a legion of devils out of his troubled soul, and that these evil spirits had entered into a herd of swine, driving them to quick destruction. And he did not stop until he had gone into all the cities of the Decapolis, declaring what great things Jesus had done for him.

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